Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Score Card

When playing a round of golf, one of the most vital pieces of equipment that you can have is, a score card. Yes, it's that scrap of printed paper that you will take and scribble on for a the next couple of hours. You will record not only your scores for a hole, but who's up next, who is down, how much someone owes someone, what the next bet is, actually pretty much everything will end up on this piece of paper.

Well as we all know, each course has it's own version of a score card. Different colors for the tees, maps of the course, the layout of each hole, etc. What we try here at GolfStakes is to give you the ability to customize a score card for the courses that you play. Take a look at our up and coming score card found on the Course Home page.


What we've done is changed our display to look more like the score cards you're used to seeing handed out on a course. We hope that you enjoy the new score card and please feedback is always welcomed.

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