Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Golf Course Information

So on GolfStake.com we want the user to have ultimate control over the information on a specific golf course. We believe that you as the user will have better information than anyone else. You will have played the greens, you know where the sand traps are, which club to use on which hole, the distances of the fairways, where the water traps are and the tips that you need to know to score par. And here at GolfStakes.com we want you enter that information.

To accomplish this we've come up with the golf course information page.


1. This is the course's name, location, a description, it's GHIN number, and is this course a public course or a private course. Vital information to know before even looking up the tee information.

2. Phone numbers for the course. We allow you to have as many phone numbers as needed, but generally, you'll be putting down the local number, the fax number and any toll free numbers that course may have.

3. This is the tee information. We allow you to have as many tee colors as needed. We don't limit you to just a handful. You're the one in control of adding the tees here. You enter the rating and slope of the tee, the distance for each hole, the par for each hole and the handicap for each hole. With this information being entered by the user, we can be as accurate as possible when it comes time to score a round of golf.


So there you have it, an easy way to add course information for your favorite course.

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