Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tournament Management

We’ve now completed the two of the first steps for creating and managing a tournament. As you saw from our preview a few weeks ago the main page is setup to have a grid listing out your tournaments, a section below that that lists out your tournament administrators and a nice call to action button on the right side that will take you into the tournament creation wizard. See the screen shot below for a view of the new layout for the main page.


Tournament List Grid

The grid that you see is now a nice paging and sorting grid. You can sort through your tournaments on the first three columns. At the bottom of the page you can see that there is now paging added. As you go over ten tournaments the grid will now start to add pages to shift through rather than one big long list.

Tournament Administrator List

The administrator list found under the grid will show the name, the last they that person was one and few action links. As you add administrators to your tournaments you will see a default of three people here and a scroll bar to roll through the rest.

Create / Edit Tournament Screen

Our general information tab for tournaments has grown some since we’ve last talked about it. As you can see from the screen shot below we’ve added quite a few items and features to the page.


General Tournament Information

Right now in the upper section of the page you can see that we have all of the necessary items to create a tournament along with start and end dates, sponsor information, fees and a description. Validation has been added to this page to insure that you have enter the very basic information for a tournament. The required fields are: tournament name, course and tee.

Tournament Rounds

Creating a tournament is more than just having the time and place. With GolfStakes.com you also have the ability to add rounds to your tournament when you creating the tournament. After filling in the required fields above, you only need to give the round a name, the date it will be played in your tournament, if you would like GolfStakes.com to give you summary screens in between holes and which holes you will be playing. Click “Add Round to Tournament” and the grid below will reload and show you new tournament. Clicking on course name will take you to the actual round page, and clicking remove will take this round out of the tournament.

All message of success, information and errors will show up where the red box is with an appropriate color scheme.


That’s it for now. We hope you like what you see here and are looking forward to creating your next tournament with GolfStakes.com. As always any comments or feedback is greatly welcomed.

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